sweepstakes distribution

Internet café shut down for alleged illegal gambling

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It’s game over for the owners of an internet café engaged in illegal gambling, according to the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators report that the business was providing cash payments to customers for their winnings. Illegal gambling is an issue that officials say is becoming increasingly common.

However, customers of Butter’s Place in Spring Hill describe it as a social hub.

“You have older people that come and like to sit and socialize,” said former customer Judy Smith.

Internet cafes offer slot-machine-style games on computers, but unlike real casinos, no money is exchanged – only points that accumulate. Once an internet café pays out in cash, it becomes illegal gambling and violates state law. This is what Butter’s Place is accused of doing, although some patrons disagree with its closure.

“If they can have all these things for the men along the whole highway here, why can’t they have this for the senior citizens,” asked former customer Donna Bayshore.

HCSO officials explained that the business was the target of an undercover operation. This was the second time deputies had to raid and close the internet café for illegal activities.

“We’re not just there to ruin their fun, we’re there to uphold the law,” said HCSO Sgt. Scott Lamia. “On the inside, it looks like all fun and games, but there’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes – illegal money laundering, fraud.”

Over the past several years, officials have closed around half a dozen businesses for giving illegal payouts.

“They can’t give money out; they can’t even give gift cards out,” said former internet café owner Terry Kasberg.

Kasberg, who used to own an internet café in Spring Hill, stated that his business never paid anyone in cash. He believes the state could do better at preventing illegal shops from popping up.

“Regulate them, charge a fee, permits, and make some money on these things because the seniors love these places,” Kasberg suggested.

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israil Parajes

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